Online storage service, now on Google

Google is going to fulfill the expectation of its users. It is planning to provide cloud storage service to its users. It will be called as ‘Google drive’. From the source of GigaOM, we got to know that this drive is coming to the market most probably on this April. Primarily it is providing 1GB space for memory storage.

The main advantage, which the users will get from this cloud storage is, they can store any file in by using their old Google account. That means, they don’t need to register again!! 
However, some are thinking that it will be tough for Google storage to compete with the ‘Dropbox’. These days it is very popular online storage service. It is providing the facility of updating files in all kind of devices and computers. It is also providing 2GB capacity, which can be enhanced upto 8GB without any charge!
Therefore, Google is in tough competition now!

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