Recently many of you
are facing problems in downloading things from mediafire. I am here with three
types of solutions for this problem. If the first one fails, then you can try
the others. They are as follows-
- Click on the download link.
- Then log in to the account of mediafie.
- Then refresh your browser.
- GO will see a mediafire link and a box. Copy the link on that box. You might be given a password box including a password. If so, then write down the password on that box. Then click on generate. You are done.
- Open the page of the given link. Then go to
the source page. You will see a box named Search
(Ctrl + F). on that box write
ACV = and press enter. You will see a link acv=”a href=’……..’ from that link, copy only…….. And paste it on the browser. Then press enter. After that, you can download easily. There will be no more problem.
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