Usually when any system software or drivers or any other things of
PC do not work properly or if system being corrupted or don’t work anyhow then
we have no choice but to set it up again newly. But in this way you have to
install everything again what is very time consuming. But if you keep a backup
or shadow image of the system it will save your valuable time. Let's see how to
do it -
At first install your PC system (here I am using Windows 7) and other
software, driver in a word all you need in your PC, install those. Then follow
the step by step process I provided below.
At first I am going to show you the process of keeping Image Backup
Image- 1
All of you know control panel. Go there & click on Back up
your computer.
Image- 2
An option will saying- come Back up or restore your file. Choose
Back up now from there & click on it.
Image- 3
The option- select where you want to save your backup is to select
any drive where you want to keep your Image Back up. Like, I have selected F drive.
One thing you need to know here, whatever drive you select (apart from C drive)
that needs to have approximately 30-50GB free space. However, click on NEXT.
Image- 4
Leave this option for Windows & just click on NEXT.
Image- 5
Click on Save setting and exit.
Image- 6
You are saying here to be confirmed for last time. Just click on-
Back up now.
Image- 7
Your Windows Back up has been started. It will take 20-40 minutes depends
on the performance of your PC hardware and the number of software and drivers you
have installed. A confirmation box will appear after finishing the work. Click
on Close button & exit it. That’s all! Now you have a shadow backup of your
Now I will show you how to restore system from this backup.
Way of restoring system:
Image- 1
Go to control panel & click on Back up your computer.
Image- 2
Now click on Recover system setting or your computer from here.
Image- 3
Click on Advanced recovery methods option from here.
Image- 4
Select- Use a system image you created earlier to recover your
Image- 5
Click on Restart box.
Image- 6
This option will appear first after restarting the PC. Click on Next without making any change of it.
Image- 7
If you use password on your PC then give it here & press OK.
Image- 8
Select System Image Recovery option from here.

The option- Select a system image backup usually finds out the
location of your backup files by default. So click on Next without making any
change here.
Image- 10
Click on NEXT.
Image- 11
Just click on FINISH.
Image- 12
Here your backup data will be restoring to the drives. So make
sure of it & click on Yes.
Now the backup data will be restoring in your PC. Wait a while! It will take about a similar time as it took during making backup. That’s all! Now you have a new operating system in your PC (with software and drivers) without any getting installation trouble.
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