China handset has become very popular among the people of
Bangladesh. Because people are getting different features paying low cost. But
there is one problem with these handsets. People cannot use internet by using
these sets.
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But this problem has come to an end. Symphony brand has its
own pc suit. For that, you have to go to their website ( after that,
download it from here.
How to install: if you are using windows 7, then you will
get a message on the time of installation. From the message, click the
following option-
Install This Driver Software Anyway
If you use an operating system of 64-bit, then you have to
install the file ‘vcredist_x64’ at first.
- Using method: you will find an icon named SymphonyPcSuite.exe on your desktop. Give a right click on it and select the option named Run as administrator (only for first time)
- Now connect the handset with your computer. Select the option COM-FORT from your mobile.
- Then click on Connect to the internet from the PC suit window. Then go to next.
- Finally, select the operator name of the mobile and connect to the internet.
If you use duel sim supported handset, then you have to
select the operator name of the sim; by which you are using internet.
Other china brands:
connect your handset with the computer. If the option ‘COM-FORT’ is shown on
your mobile screen then you can use it as internet modem.
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