Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent results
for the year of 2012 have published a few days ago. Record numbers of students
have passed this year. The ratio of getting GPA 5 is also high. But obviously there
are also some students who are not satisfied with their result. For this
reason, every year our education board authority arranges re-inspection system
of the exam papers.
Re-scrutiny/Re-Examination/Re-Inspection application can be
done by Teletalk mobile only.
Process for Re-inspection application via Teletalk:
- RSC<space>First 3 Character of Board Name<space>Roll Number<space>Subject Code and send to 16222.
- If you want to apply for more than one subject then put a comma (,) between the subject codes. Example: RSC BAR 114767189 236, 145 & send to 16222
- You will be sent a message with a PIN number after applying. This message will let you know the amount of payment needed for this application.
- If you agree to pay the amount of charge-Write RSC<space>YES<space>Pin Number<space>Contact number and send to 16222. Example: RSC YES 32542354 018/016/011/019/016/015 XXXXXXXX & send to 16222
- After a while you will get another confirmation message to your mobile mentioning candidate’s name and track number.
This reexamining will cost you taka 125 per subject. For
English & Bangla (subject code 107 and 101) only one application will be applied
for both subjects it costs 250 taka.
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