Most efficient way of using meta tag

We use Meta tags in many sites for various purposes. Especially it plays a vital role in SEO. Here I am going to discuss about some Meta Tags we use.
Keywords- Meta Tag
This is the most useful Meta Tag for SEO. This Meta tag provides the search engines the information about the content of your site. Choosing Excellent Meta tags will lead you to your the desired consequence in SEO. Keywords- Meta Tag is like this:
< meta name="keywords" content="some keyword,another keyword" />
Put comma after every key-word.
Description- Meta Tag
This Meta tag is also important for web site. It will reflect the main content of your site on search engine. Basically this tag is used to describe the content of your blog.  This Meta tag is like this-
< meta name="description" content="A blurb to describe the content of the page appears here"/>
Author- Meta Tag
You can use this Meta tag for the visitors of your site telling them about the author or blogger of your blog. This Meta tag is like this-
<meta name="author" content="hasan faisal" />
Revisit-After- Meta Tag
If you use this Meta tag then your site will be visited & indexed after a certain lag of time.
Like- if you use this tag then your site will be revisited after every 15 days. You can change the time according to your need.
<meta name="revisit" content="15 days"/>
Refresh- Meta Tag
Who likes to update their site in every minute this Meta tag will be helpful for them. Because visitor feel bother to refresh these kind of sites again & again. So you can specify a certain time for auto refreshment with this tag. Like-
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600">
If you add this tag on your site then your site will be automatically refreshed after every 5minutes.
Robots- Meta Tag
This Meta tag plays a vital role on search engine. With this Tag you can instruct the robot of search engine to index your site. If you use following tag then the robot will understand that it can index your site.
Or, if you use this tag that means you are telling not to index your site.
There are some more tags for Robots. Like-
This tag allows you to archive all data in search engine. If you want to then use-
<meta name=”robots” content=”ARCHIVE” />
Or if you won’t then-
<meta name=”robots” content=”NOARCHIVE” />
ODP/YDIR- Meta Tag
ODP means open directory project. When Google search engine robot doesn’t find any description tag in a site that time they take help of DMOZ. If you want Google to avoid this thing then you can use this tag- <meta name=”robots” content=”NOODP” />
Or, if you want Google to do this then use this tag- <meta name=”robots” content=”ODP” />
Yahoo does the same thing like Google. But in that case Yahoo uses its self open directory project (YDIR). So in case of Yahoo you can use these codes-
<meta name=”robots” content=”NOYDIR” />
& <meta name=”robots” content=”YDIR” />
There are various search engines on internet. But there are some search engines for what you have to use specific robots Meta tags. Like-
For Google <meta name="googlebot" content=”index">
For Yahoo <meta name="Slurp" content=”index">
For MSN<meta name="msnbot" content=”index">
Language META Tag
This Meta tag let you know which language is used on your blog. Usually, English is the most commonly used language for websites. This tag is like-
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" content="EN">
That's all for today! Have nice day!

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