Website development with JOOMLA: part 3

Hello friends…how are you all? On the last two tutorials, we have discussed about the basic information of joomla and the installation process of xampp and joomla. After the last two parts, we are able to display the default screen of joomla. Those who missed the last two parts, can check out here-
Today we will learn to remove the unnecessary information from the website and add that information which is concerned with the website. At first, start the apache and mysql.
Now open a browser and type localhost/technotoons /administrator on the address bar. Press enter and you will see the following figure.
On the box of username, type admin. And on the box of password, type 123456 and click on login. You will see like the following figure.
This is your control panel. You can edit/delete any information of joomla site and add the information of your own site. For your convenience, type localhost/technotoons on the address bar and keep open joomla site. Now choose other tab on the same browser. Type localhost/technotoons /administrator on the address bar. In the required box, give the user name and password and open the control panel. Have a look on the following figure of the 1st tab.
This is called the top menu. There are four types of menu such as, About joomla, features, News, The community. At first, we have to add a new menu with the remaining. Let we will creat a menu named turjo. For this, click on the Article manager from the 2nd tab.
You will see like the above figure.
Click on the button named new, which is on the upper right corner of the page. So that, you will see the above figure.
Type turjo on the title box and on the alias. Select the Uncategorized section. Click yes on the published menu. Click no on the front-page menu. Select Uncategorized on the category. Now type Turjo is my best friend. We live in Khulna, on the text box given below. Click on the save button. After that, select the top menu. A window will appear. On the upper right side of the window, you will see the button named new. Click on that. You will see the following figure.
Click on the article. The following figure will appear.
Click on the article layout. You will see like following.
Type turjo on the title box and on the alias. On the right side, you will see the option, Parameters (Basic). Click on the option, select article. Then you will see the following window.
Click on turjo and save it. Now refresh the first tab, and you will see the menu named turjo on the top menu.
Now click on turjo and you will see the description what was written before.
You can add extra menu to the top menu by the above procedure. We will discuss about the section and category on our next tutorial, stay with us. Good-bye.
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